NEWS - Zerowastepower

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The first joint project meeting of all partner organizations involved in the EU project entitled "Zero Waste Power in HoReCa" it took place on  21st of October till 23rd of October 2019, at the Slava Raškaj Center Zagreb.
The meeting was held in an exceptionally positive atmosphere with the great contribution of all participants.
A work plan for the implementation of the project activities was agreed, and partner organizations presented the content and methodology for creating the intellectual outcomes for which they are responsible.
During the first day, the meeting was attended and supported by Mr. Josip Luša in behalf of the Agency for Mobility and EU Programs.
We are sure that we will transfer the positive energy for the necessary Zero Waste changes in the HoReCa sector to our students and associate catering organizations.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
ZERO WASTE POWER IN HORECA | 2019-1-HR01-KA202-060809
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